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A member registered Aug 20, 2018

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Sorry for just copying it all. But yeah, nothing happens when I press a button, and after pressing it a few times, a new line of PRESS ANY KEY appears.

<the museum="" of="" flannenton<="" span="">You find yourself in a quaint little room. You're quite bored, perhaps you should try going to that interactive museum you were invited to go to.
The ticket to the museum is here.
>get ticket
You should be ready to go to the Museum of Flannenton now. The way out of here is to the east.
TIP: If you're ever lost, try EXAMINING your ticket.
>examine ticket
The Museum of Flannenton
*Admission One*
You are cordially invited to our pre-opening crowd testing at the Museum of Flannenton near Helen's Square. This is a single-use ticket, but it could be used at any time you find convenient.
EXAMINE to inspect, examine, or look at things.
GO [DIRECTION] to go somewhere.
TAKE to take, or pick up things.
HELP to look at this again.
>go east
Are you sure you're ready? Y/N
You leave the house, to journey to the museum.
You drive on roads by wide open nature. On the way, you pass by some odd billboards.

Nice game, the end level was quite difficult but I got it after a few tries. The cat is cool too

No distracting elements? Check.

Nice simple game! Took me a few minutes to find out how to move and to destroy spaceships, and before I saw the two (?) planets/earths. Would do great with a highscore, and maybe the space bullets could have a different colour and size. After respawning two times, the space bullets were gone :(

Overall a cute game

I was excited to try this, because it is like the old RPGs where you can explore the world by using text commands. However, I got stuck at the road towards the museum :c If that can be fixed it would be really cool, I'm sure

(1 edit)

The art in this game is really good, and the power-ups are diverse and feels nice. However, the controls feel a bit clumsy at times (cannot accelerate with W?). Maybe an in-game explanation of the controls can solve this. Apart from this, it's a really nice game!

Great short story, ~10 minutes playtime when visiting all options and definitely worth it. Quality of writing is high.
The story is really interesting, even more so for people with some knowledge about literature. You will be suprised by how 'full' this short game is, which makes it fit the jam's theme very well.

Hopefully the EC crew gives this a try, I am sure they will enjoy it :)

Simple but difficult game. You can get better by practice but my HS is not anywhere near yours. Could be improved by adding a custom mouse cursor. Now it is easy to lose track of the default one on the yellow background.